Happy New Year!!! In my home we stayed up and celebrated and shouted those words. This morning as I woke up and I considered my family, our home, our year and stared at a brand new notebook with intentions of planning. I suddenly realized it was not happiness I seek. I am happy. It is holiness I yearn for.
Holiness I want for my home, my church, my nation. To be set apart ~ to be used in God's Kingdom for His purpose. There are so many issues everywhere - economic - social - cultural etc.. I believe the answer is Christ. We are not going to have a perfect world here ever.. we can seek justice and peace. We can seek joy and hope. We can experience them sometimes - even in the fallen world. And even the heathen wants more... but can we accept that they can only be found in Him.
Yes dear Christian - can we say that only in Christ will we find hope, joy, peace, love... We are settling for what the world offers. Happiness... success.. material goods... physical comfort etc... in our homes, in our churches, in our daily practices. So today I ask is happy enough - 365 days of being happy... is that our highest calling?
I think God has called us to more - to Holiness. But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. I Peter 2:9 Let's declare His praises ~ Let's walk in the light ~ Let's behave as wives and mothers and daughter and friends who belong to God.
Maybe we will change our Happy New Year! shout to Holy New Year next Dec 31. Till then I am praying and intending to purposefully attempt to live a Holy New Year.
Holy New Year Blessings From the Martin Family Home to your home~