We have a kitchen day on Tuesdays in or home. A day to really deep clean the kitchen - inside fridge, microwave, etc. A weekly call for all hands on deck to clear all the counters - check food inventory - cut up and flash freeze some onions - make a meal or two ahead - make sure all things are on track. I make 3 meals and 3 snacks a day for 6 people - that is 36 feedings a day. I need the kitchen to be ready.
Time is saved by kitchen prep and clutter being cleared. Food inventory helps keep last minute trips to the store to a minimum. Money is saved as we are able to use up last bits of things or freeze them. Good health of having a clean kitchen saves us time, money and suffering.
The kitchen is the heart of our home hours are spent there - guests tend to gather there - homeschooling drifts to the kitchen table and of course family meals happen throughout the day there. Heart attacks are the number #1 killer in our country. We know many things we should do to keep our hearts in good condition. I wonder if the same is true for the high divorce rates in our society - are the kitchens in those afflicted homes serving nourishment of body and soul. Candlelight family dinners - wholesome daily sharing - praying - fellowhip with friends - homemade food - signs of a healthy heart of your home.
Yes it is just a Kitchen day - but it could be so much more. It could be the place where a family is saved from destruction. Where the unsaved could gather for food and truth. Where the saved can fellowhship. Where meals can be prepared for a neighbor who is sick or a friend who has just had a child. When we work as unto the Lord there is no limit to what God can do to make even the smallest task a way to bring glory to Him. May we work in our homes to increase His kingdom.