“My children are the most important thing to me.” People say this everywhere, all the time. And it makes me want to scream. Children are blessings.. They are not things. The relationship with our children, the success of our children, our children’s salvation, the character of our children these are all important things to me.
Children have folly in their hearts. The are the best kind of fools. The are growing and seeking and learning… they will outgrow their foolishness. If we lead them, parent them, mentor them, pray for them, teach them, guide them, instill good habits and live with wisdom before them. All to often I see families where the children lead the home. They decide the schedule, they decide the diet of the home, they decide the shopping habits, they control the relationships, especially the marital relationship, they are tyrants. This is America we do not like tyrants as leaders… or so we claim.
Yet, I see it all the time out in public. The smallest member of the family, who is often the loudest, making decisions for the whole family. “I want this!” and “this” is purchased. And there is no thought of if it was a wise purchase.. It just makes the awful sound from the tyrant stop. “Can’t we go to McDonalds?” “I want this chocolate cereal with marshmallows and chemicals and lots of sugar THIS ONE with the picture of my favorite character from the magic box in the living room” These foolish little creatures don’t know what is healthy, they are being convinced by marketers that they NEED those foods and they get YOUR hard earned MONEY by using these little tyrants.
They need to be involved in activities. So we drive them, pay for lessons, buy the needed supplies, buy pictures and gifts and tickets for recitals and championships etc. They need quality time so we make time for them in our routines. The have to get their homework done so we spend our evening family time doing homework with them. They need a good breakfast and sleep so we let them sleep in as long as they can and then shove a pop tart in their hand. They must socialize so they are driven to friends houses for sleepovers on the weekend. We spend our time making the tyrants happy. We fulfill their needs. We don’t consider what they really need. Family time, skills for living, responsibilities, fellowship, practice of skills they have chosen to develop, time to be creative, time outside in nature, time to play and grow, time to read and write. We entertain them, push them, remind them again and again, do things for them they should do for themselves and then question why they are lazy, not grateful and have high expectations of their needs being met.
The nucleus of a cell determines if the cell will be healthy or not. A Christ centered home will produce the healthiest family unit. Christ is not a tyrant. Christ served and sacrificed, taught wisdom and lived His life to obey His Heavenly Father. If we want healthy families… we need to check our nucleus. Is it a tyranical fool or a loving Savior. Is our nucleus leading to proper functions or slowly killing itself? The nucleus determines the health of the whole cell. Is your family healthy or a place of stress, power struggles, confusion and pain?
Looking at what is at the center of your home is the key to change. Who is controlling the time, the money, the atmosphere? Whose needs are being met ~ are they real needs or simply wants? Parenting requires maturity. It requires choosing what is best. Children are blessings if we train them, when we teach them, when we keep them in the proper place within the home. Children will cause the most amount of stress when they are the center of the home. When you see a stressed mother. You will know she serves a tyrant. When you see a blessed mother you will know she is serving a benevolent ruler.
Society will tell you parenting is hard, children are difficult, we are supposed to be stressed ~ we are parents. I don’t see that in the Bible. I see children are blessings, teach them, remember God with them, show them wisdom, disciple them, be blessed through them in your old age. Stressful children does not seem like a biblical idea to me. We have accepted a worldview that is not based on the Bible when we expect stress from our children.
So what about my home? What do I do when things are stressful in my home. I know that sometimes life’s situations are stressful. When things continue to be stressful I look for the foolishness I have let slide, usually to please a little tyrant. Yes it happens in my home. I decide not to get up and handle a situation, not to give a consequence and slowly the cell is taken over. Place Christ at the center of your home. There is immediate clarity in what is acceptable. There is a wonderful book for children called if Jesus Came to My House.. What if Jesus came to your house? Would He be comfortable there? Would He see a healthy family? Would He recognize His teachings in the family government? Would your children serve Him or expect Him to serve them?